​The Big Smoke
{Character Pages}
{Sigurd Ganghrolf}
Lyon, France: Interpol Head Office Investigative Report #469203,
Basic profile
Name: Sigurd K. Ganghrolf
Aliases: Kruger
Date of birth: 1974, exact date unknown.
Nationality: Unknown; presumed East German.
Family: None known
Age: 42
Height: 6’4
Weight: 220lbs - 240lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Distinguishing Features: Scarring on nose bridge, above and below left eye and on right side of forehead.
Criminal History
“Files on Ganghrolf first appears in police records during 1988 in East Berlin where he was convicted of minor crimes such as graffiti and petty vandalism along with several other youths, no doubt a street gang he ran with. Due to their age and the pettiness of their crimes, their punishment was fairly light and came in the form of community service. In 89 through 92, many of those same youths were convicted of more serious crimes such as thefts, breaking and entering, armed robbery and assaults. Though Ganghrolf was a suspect in several of these, there was never an actual conviction.
Ganghrolf doesn’t crop up anywhere in the EU or anywhere else we could find until 98 where he was one of three suspects in the assassination in a Polish diplomat to France. Ultimately let off the hook, over the next year a string of assassinations of similar stile and profile came to light across Europe, traveling west to east. In 99 he was charged with and arrested for a car bombing in St. Petersburg south of the Finnish border, leading to the death of the Kazak Ambassador. He was ultimately cleared of the crime after someone else pleaded guilty to the act during his trial, though by my suspicion, this was likely due to government involvement.
Leaving Europe, Ganghrolf, who’d become of interest to Interpol at this point, traveled to Central America where he spent the next ten years. It’s my opinion that he spent this time laying low and working for the cartels, doing all sorts of no doubt horrible things. He doesn’t show up on official records again until 2010 when he was arrested for smuggling rum in Havana, Cuba. Very likely one of the most innocuous things he was smuggling, he none the less received a two-year sentencing for it. Through a plea deal, he was able to work it down to a year and was then released after six months on probation for good behavior.
Following his stint in a Cuban prison, Interpol got a ping on his passport in South Africa where he once again went dark, though was spotted in footage from news reals during the 2011 Syrian Civil War, fighting with the rebels against Gaddafi’s forces and then again against Al-Assad. Following this pattern of mercenary work, he left Syria at some point to take part in Ukrainian conflict in 2014 and 15, supporting the nation of Ukraine. Vanishing again until the winter of 2016, he appeared in London where he is currently considered an inactive threat, worth keeping tabs on but not actively investigating.” - Notes from the office of detective Maria Dumas.
Personality profile as constructed by Dr. Adam Deschamps
“With as little information as we have on the details of Ganghrolf’s activities and background, forming a profile for him is a challenging task and my evaluation on him will be sparse. Based on the likelihood of him being born in East Germany and his youthful tendencies towards crime, one can guess he might have come from a single parent house hold or possibly had neglectful parents. His familiarity with illegal activities and lack of job prospects or higher education as a late teen could easily explain his continued criminal behavior in trying to make money.
His early adult years, which are unaccounted force, are difficult to fully parse, but the clues afterwards lead to some explanation. Many of the assassinations the seemed to surround his mid to late twenties took place at a medium to long distance with rifles of matching caliber. This, combined with his success as a mercenary in later life, points to evidence of him receiving some level of military training somewhere, possibly filling the roll of a designated marksman or sniper. This hypothesis is further backed by his knowledge of explosives used in St. Petersburg.
His time in Central America is a dark spot, and speculating on what happened there would be a waste of time. However, something, perhaps his time in prison, certainly seemed to make him turn over a new leaf. Instead of killing for crime and pay, he put his skills forth to supporting rebels or resistance fighters, though it only lasted several years. For now it’s assumed he’s gone into retirement in London as he’s been there for several months without any sign of violence or lawbreaking.”

{OOC Information}
Mun Name: Jean
Screen name: Slipdisk
Playby: Keanu Reeves