​The Big Smoke
{Character Pages}
{Rosalie Moore}
At the age of seventeen Rosalie reached out to Arianthe Harrington. She wanted to be emancipated at the age of seventeen. Her parents were not thrilled that their daughter wanted to get involved in the performing arts rather than law. Both parents were lawyers and expected Rosalie to do the same. She said she would consider it, but she wanted to be a performer rather than a lawyer right now. She saw how their life was and she didn't want that sort of life. She wanted a life she could enjoy and not be a slave to work. She always believed in living life to the fullest. Rosalie made her own music, wrote her own songs and taught herself the guitar after enrolling in an after school music program. Rosalie had a beautiful talent and her parents refused to see it. Bent on the fact that she couldn't make a living making music. They wanted their daughter to be them. She refused.
Late one night they'd had an argument about how she spent time with music instead off thinking about where she'd go to college after she graduated high school. They expected her to enroll immediately. Grades were impeccable and she was a star student. She was in the top ten in her class. Rosalie was smart but she didn't want to go to law school. Parents told her she needed to, that if she wanted to continue to live under their roof she would enroll in all the best law schools. She refused. "I don't want to live your life! Do you even see what it does to you? Do you see what it does to me?! You don't support my love for music and you don't bother to see the talent. You want me a carbon copy of you and I don't want it!" Her mother and father didn't see it and when she shouted at her mother, her mother slapped her across the face. Furious Rosalie spoke and in words that even she couldn't believe. "You know. Fuck You. Fuck too both. I'm leaving. Emancipating myself and doing what I love. You'll see. One day I'll have it. This isn't a pop dream! I don't want your bloody lives!" And with that Rosalie set out to live her life they way she wanted.
She got a job as a salesgirl at Manic Music while she currently finishes her senior year. She continues to make her music in hopes to make ot big. While doing so she stayed with her best friend and her family. They were deeply involved in their lives and became involved with hers. They also helped her seek emancipation as well. Arianthe emancipated her just before Christmas and allowed her to rent out a room in her estate. Arianthe lived with Benjamin Hart and he too contributed to Rosalie's emancipation. The

{OOC Information}
Mun Name: Crystal
Screen name: aeucatastrophe
Playby: Sabrina Carpenter