​The Big Smoke
{Character Pages}
{Jett Turner}
Jett Turner never knew his parents; he was abandoned in a hospital bathroom in Brooklyn, New York. It was believe his mother was an unwed teenage drug addict, though they couldn't prove it. He bounced between foster homes as a kid, having a history of anger issues and abandonment issues no family would adopt him. He very quickly tried to leave the system after his 18th birthday, taking his bike cross country and exploring every avenue he could. While he was in the midwest he got a call from a former social worker of his. She told him they had some information on his mother that pointed him to the United Kingdom. He took a plane to London in search of answers. All he had was a name and a picture of the woman he supposidly came from. This was enough for him though after arriving in London he realized it was a far bigger place than he'd ever expected. It's been 3 years and he's still searching for answers. However in that time he aquired a job at the local greasy spoon; The Stoner Pig. He's a fry cook and has managed to make enough money to rent a small flat in the east portion of London. It wasn't much but it was good enough for him.

{OOC Information}
Mun Name: Kailey
Screen Name: Surpriseinside92
Playby: Evan Peters